

Scientific papers will be received under the following thematic axes:

1. Implementation of evidence.

2. Synthesis of Evidence.

3. Transfer of evidence.

4. Production of evidence.

The scientific papers must be submitted exclusively online, by August 31, 2017, in the form of an abstract, following criteria and standards established by the Scientific Committee.

In the case of submission to the prizes of best oral or poster communications, the papers must be submitted exclusively online, by August 31, 2017 in the form of an abstract, accompanied by the complete manuscript, following criteria and standards established by the Scientific Committee.


The scientific papers (abstracts and / or complete papers) will be selected by an Evaluation Committee.

Make sure that the presenter's e-mail is informed in the submission of the abstract; all communication will be transmitted through it. The aim is to notify the authors of the acceptance or rejection of their submission by e-mail to the presenter by 15 September.

The abstracts of accepted papers will be published online on the Proceedings of the event, through the Galoá Proceedings platform, with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) deposit and issuance of ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).


Award-Winning Papers

The author interested in competing for the Prize should send the complete work without identification of the authors, in PDF format, by the Galoá platform. Three (3) papers will be awarded in Poster modality and 3 (three) papers in the Oral modality, by thematic axis. The winners will be awarded with a Diploma of Honor to the Merit.


Abstracts of scientific papers should be in Portuguese, English or Spanish, according to the following format parameters: A4 paper, margins of 2 cm on all sides, 1.5 spacing, Arial font size 12 and justified alignment. The mandatory elements of the summary should follow the guidelines:

Title Must clearly identify the nature of the paper, be written in capital letters and do not use abbreviations.
Authors Authors' names must be below the title.
Presenter´s name Should be bold and underlined. Separate with a semicolon all authors. Ex .: Almeida AO; Toledo V; Vegian CF.
Abstract body text Limit body text to 500 words.

Must contain (except for theoretical studies):

Introduction: presentation of the subject and justification of the study.

General objective of the work.

Method: description of the procedures used to carry out the study. Insert the Ethics in Reseach Committee's evaluation number in the research, if applicable. Do not insert figures, graphs, or tables.

Results: highlight the main results obtained in the study.

Conclusions: coherent to the study objective.

References: maximum 5 (five) in Vancouver style (do not count in 500 words).

Descriptors: Indicate 3 (three) according to DeCs (Descriptor in Health Sciences) of  BIREME or MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) of NLM (National Library of Medicine), separated by semicolons and initialed in capital letters.


Include institutional affiliation, professional category, title or position of the authors, in addition to the e-mail of the presenter.

For the submission of scientific work, the presenter must be enrolled in the event and his registration paid.

Each presenter may submit a maximum of two (2) papers, without limiting his participation as author in other papers.

Abstracts of scientific papers will be accepted or rejected, and there will be no return to the author for corrections.

COMPLETE MANUSCRIPTS (in case of submission to the prizes)

Full scientific papers (from 10 to 15 pages) should be in Portuguese, English or Spanish according to the following format parameters: A4 paper, margins of 2 cm on all sides, 1.5 spacing, 12 size Arial font and justified alignment. The complete manuscript will not be published in the Proceedings; it is required only for evaluation purposes in cases of submission to the prizes. The mandatory elements of the complete paper must follow the guidelines:

Title The same of the submitted abstract.
For manuscript extracted from dissertation or thesis Indicate by asterisk, in footnote, the title, year and institution where it was presented.
Abstract body text Include the same abstract submitted.
Content Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References, in different topics. The Objectives should be inserted at the end of the Introduction.
Introduction Introduction: Brief definition of the problem studied, justifying its importance and knowledge gaps, based on updated national and international references.
Objective Present the main question and the hypotheses to be tested, if applicable.
Methods Type or study design; Population / setting; Selection criteria; sample definition (if any); Source, period of collection procedure, data analysis / treatment and other aspects inherent to the method. It is necessary to present in an attached document with the approval protocol of the Ethics in Research Committee and to inform in the text if conduct is in accordance with the ethical standards required.
Results Presentation and description only of the data found, without interpretations or comments. To facilitate comprehension, tables and figures can accompany them. The text should complement or highlight what is most important, without repeating the data in the tables or figures.
Discussion It should be restricted to the data obtained and to the results achieved, emphasizing new and relevant aspects observed in the study and discussing the concordances and divergences with other national and international research already published. It should point out the limitations of the study and the advances in the area of nursing / health.
Conclusion It must be straight, clear and objective, in response to hypotheses or objectives, based on results and discussion.
References citations in text Listed consecutively in Arabic numerals, superscripts and in parentheses. When they are sequential, indicate the first and last number, separated by hyphen. Ex .: (1-4); When interspersed, should be separated by a comma, eg (1-2,4).
References citations in the end of text: "Vancouver" style, available at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine. The titles of journals abbreviated according to: List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE (http://www.nlm.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html).
Statements: Phrases or paragraphs said by the research subjects should be cited in italics, with their identification coded at the author's discretion and in parentheses.
Textual citations: Must be enclosed in quotation marks, without italics and following the text.
Illustrations: Tables, frames and figures, a maximum of five, must be inserted in the body of the text.
Financing source: Inform the name of the public or private institutions that provided financial support, technical assistance and other aids.
Abbreviations: Restricted to the minimum and only after they have been quoted literally in the text; Do not use in title and abstract.


Accepted abstracts should be presented in the form of an electronic poster (projection in digital format) on the day and at pre-established times, allowing the participants' extensive visitation and discussion with the authors of the paper. The electronic poster modality will be attended by the presenter and the moderator by theme. The preparation of the poster should strictly follow these instructions:

The presentation will consist of a brief report of up to 10 minutes, prepared in Power Point with a maximum of six screens. The content of the poster, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, should contain, basically, the same elements indicated in the summary: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Result, Conclusion and main references. Important: It is recommended that some information be presented in graphic forms, figures and tables, avoiding long texts and facilitating a quick understanding by the reader, which makes the poster more attractive for participants.

We emphasize that presentations with more screens than the established limit will not be accepted 6 (six).

Authors should be in the room 15 minutes before starting the session to save their presentation on electronic equipment in order to optimize the presentations.

At the end of each session, the coordinator will briefly discuss the papers presented.


Oral presentations will last 20 minutes, with 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussions and can be done in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Discussions will take place jointly at the end of the technical session. For this type of presentation, a computer and projector will be available.

Details to be observed at the time of presentation:

The presentation should be made within a maximum of 15 minutes;

Preferably, use "Power Point Presentation", which should be carried on two different USB Flash drives, for security;

Considering the time limit for your presentation, it is suggested that the number of Power Point presentation slides does not exceed 15 (fifteen);

To ensure good visibility, the letter size should equal or exceed 24;

Carefully choose the specific points you intend to highlight for the audience; Do not make a simple reading of your written work. Show only the highlights.

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